Detroit's Lower West Side

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Detroit's Lower West Side

Source: Atlas of the City of Detroit and Suburbs (through the University of Michigan Library)
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Map Title: Part of Wards 8, 10 & 12 (Plate 14)
Date(s): 1885

Highlighted areas (left to right):

- Union Depot Grain Elevator
- James Miller McCrie worked here, first as the weighmaster from 1882 to 1885, then as a foreman from 1886 to about 1908, which is probably when he retired.
- Home of John McCrie, James's brother, from 1886 until his death in 1890
- John's first wife Eliza Wilson died in 1886. It's unknown whether she lived here of if John moved here after her death.
- John remarried in 1889, a year before his death. His second wife, Bertha Burrows, continued living here until about 1912, then moved to a house on Commonwealth Street.
- Home of James Miller McCrie from 1882 until 1886
- James moved from Grand Haven, Michigan, where he was foreman of the grain elevator, to Detroit in 1882, where he became weighmaster, and later foreman, at the Union Depot Elevator
- James moved to a home on 14th Avenue in 1886