North Knapdale

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Table below explains highlighted areas and provides links to more detailed maps

Scotland: North Knapdale, Glassary Parishes, Ayr

Source: National Library of Scotland
Location: North Knapdale and Kilmichael-Glassary
Map Title: Argyllshire, Sheet CLX (includes: Glassary; Kilmartin; North Knapdale; South Knapdale)
Date(s): Surveyed 1865, Published 1873

Highlighted areas (left to right):

- John Campbell born here in 1796 to Hugh and More Campbell
- Isabella McLean born here in 1801
- Site of Highland Clearance Riot in 1848
- Neil Livingston and Janet McNair married in parish church in 1813
- Births of John and Isabella (McLean) Campbell's children registered at church between 1830 and 1843