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Scotland: Ochiltree, Old Cumnock, New Cumnock Parishes, Ayr

Source: National Library of Scotland
Location: Ochiltree, Old Cumnock, New Cumnock Parishes, Ayr, Scotland
Map Title: Ayrshire, Sheet XXXV (includes: Auchinleck; Ochiltree; Old Cumnock; Sorn) – Ordnance Survey Six-inch 1st edition, Scotland, 1843-1882
Date(s): Surveyed 1857, Published 1860

Highlighted areas (left, then top to bottom on right):

- Birthplace of Jean Brown (mother of Wm. McCrie) in 1779
- Residence of Hugh and Jean (Brown) McCree from about 1801 to about 1806
- Birthplace of William McCrie in 1803
- Home of George Findlay, Margaret Miller's (mother of Wm. McCrie) uncle, in 1859
- Home of the Findlay family
- Birthplace of Margaret Findlay (Margaret Miller's mother) in 1777
- Home of Wm and Margaret McCrie family from about 1832-1839
- Birthplace of James Miller McCrie in 1839
- Home of Hugh McCrie (Wm's brother) from at least 1851 to his death in 1884
- Birthplace of Margaret Miller (Wm McCrie's wife) in 1812
- Home of Hugh and Jean McCree (Wm McCrie's parents) in 1841
- John Miller (Margaret Miller's father) died here in cave-in in 1815 (aged 26)