A Family History/Genealogy Resource

The McCrie-Schutze Family History, Part 1

The McCrie-Schutze Family History, Part 2

Check out the Bartlett-Ehrlich family history

For members of the extended Schutze, Bartlett, McCrie and Ehrlich families.

Today's date is February 28th     (New York time zone)

On This Date

  • Georg Friedrich Julius "Julius" Schrotzberger was born in 1863 in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
  • Christina Margaret Gutman was born in 1869 in Germany
  • Jacob Friedrich Heist died in 1897 in Saint Charles, Saginaw, Michigan
  • Audrey La Bertis Bartlett was born in 1933 in Owosso, Shiawassee, Michigan
  • Maria Kroll died in 1939 in Seattle, King, Washington
  • Lee Ann Thomas was born in 1959 in Brooklyn, New York

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